Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

image courtesy of thelatestfind.com

We're in recovery mode today. I would take photos of my disaster of a home at the moment but I wouldn't want to look like a complete slob to the world. We had many of our closest friends over to gorge on all the leftover treats from Christmas and watch many episodes of 'You've Gotta Eat Here' (on Food Network) on mute while an 8 year old did "show and tell" with items from her backpack. Ah... we live the party lifestyle (please note my sarcasm..)

I tend to make the usual resolutions every year, or none at all, but with 2012 being so full of extreme change for us, I feel like change is in the air, and it may be time to make some solid, high expectation resolutions as they may be more feasible than once thought.

1. Work Harder
This one may need some explanation. I'm pretty damn good at my job; many say I'm a natural. Because of this, I've gotten a bit of a bloated head about my abilities and find I tend to coast on my "natural talent" instead of pushing myself to do more/try something different/research/learn from others/etc. This does not make me feel good about my work. I definitely want to kick this habit and can only see good to come from it.

2. Nest
more on this later

3. Take care of myself
I know, I know. Very cliche. I think this one encompasses a lot though. I consider taking care of myself to include finding a good balance of work and play/relaxation and productivity, keeping track of my finances to reduce stress, eating well, exercising, connecting with friends and family, taking time to connect with our new community, etc. So this is a big one but I think it's incredibly important and useful.

Back to work tomorrow!