Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 1 of Apartment Therapy Cure

Today marks day 1 of the Apartment Therapy January cure.

I read today's task and immediately thought "what have I gotten myself into?"

The task, which you can read more in depth here, is to make a list of 3-5 projects per room/area that you feel take priority.

Here is my list:

- Paint
- Create a place for "stuff" (keys, purse, mail, etc)

- Paint
- Create a clear plan for storage solutions (create a pantry by expanding into the storage room or front hall closet? Organize cupboards to make more functional, put up shelving)
- Change the light bulbs
- Contact maintenance company regarding the old leaking fridge

Living/Dining Room
- Put away Christmas decor
- Put up curtain panel
- Pick up new dining set from family

- Organize under the sink cabinet
- Put up towel bars/toilet paper hanger & put leftover fixtures under the sink in the storage locker
- Art for walls
- Rope hanger DIY project for mirror?

- Finish Painting
- Pick out curtains/curtain rods
- Art for walls
- Lighting solution

Spare Room aka. Nightmare room
*this room needs work and unfortunately, to be completely realistic, MONEY. It's become the catch all for everything we have not had time to find a space for and houses many half unpacked cardboard boxes, furniture that didn't fit in our bedroom, and art I don't really like anymore. I have a clear vision for this room but neither the time or money to tackle that vision at this present time. It's definitely in teh cards for this year, but probably not for this month.