Monday, December 9, 2013

Snow Day!

Getting a head start on the 2014 resolution of keeping up with the blogging!  It's such a great creative outlet and one I miss; however, I have used my free time post-lay-off wisely and creatively.  I have started (I'm hesitant to say that word) a side business doing special event/custom floral design & would love to venture into event styling when time and opportunity permits.  I've so enjoyed seeking out learning opportunities and anything that would give me the chance to get my hands dirty, so to speak.  

I will be going back to work full-time this week.  This comes with both relief and disappointment as I'll really have to prioritize my time in order to get in as much creating, but it's a means to an end.  Can't invest money into a business if you don't have any!

Anyways - here's a few latergram shots to catch up with the past few months.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

bedroom update inspiration

bedroom before & (temporary) after!

Stormy day here on the west coast - my dying lilac in a pot is getting a good drink!

This was our sad little bedroom shortly after moving in.  It was much much smaller than our previous bedroom and because of that, we had to give up some very valuable storage space in the form of my prized antique walnut dresser.  Thankfully my sister gave that a good home.
After a few coats of paint and some polka dot wall decals, we have an inhabitable bedroom!



We painted the walls Tulle White by CIL, which is a very light, blue toned grey.  The wall behind the bed is Design Time also by CIL and depending on the light, reads as a lilac-mauve colour or a darker grey.  I wanted to keep accent colours to a minimum as the polka-dots and lilac do scream feminine and a man does sleep in this room. 

We've lived with the room as is for a few months now and I'm not 100% sold.  Definitely an improvement but I'm really liking the more moody and modern bedrooms popping up here and there.  Lots of navy, black and white, antique golds, bronze and wood tones.  I sense another re-do coming our way.

Friday, August 30, 2013

pins of the week

Wrapping up the week with what is sure to be a rad show at this place with these guys tonight with 2 of my dearest Island friends.  Yay!

Here's a selection of my favourite pins from the week.


amazing bowls
exposed brick

built in desk
